JMFA Podcast

Maintain Compliance & Revenue with a Core Conversion

JMFA Season 2 Episode 1

In this podcast episode, listen as Director of Implementation, Jennifer Peoples and Senior Implementation Manager, Donna Sumrall share how JMFA is your go-to resource for ensuring your overdraft program continues to be successful during a core conversion. What if the new core doesn’t have all the same functionalities? What processes and procedures need to be reviewed? Are there new training needs? Could there be potential revenue losses? With our team of experts, we can help ensure you obtain maximum functionality while avoiding performance and compliance roadblocks. 


Episode Highlights  

0:29 – Introductions

1:47 – Ways a core conversion can impact your overdraft program

2:57 – Where to begin if you are considering a change to your core provider

3:56 – How far in advance of the go-live date should you review your overdraft program

4:43 – The resources needed to ensure a smooth transition 

7:24 – Potential obstacles that may come up

10:02 – Benefits of JMFA’s guidance and support through a core conversion